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Dedicated to the conservation and preservation of Sharks



Save The Sharks was founded out of passion, and a need for a bilingual South Florida organization. We’ve been involved in shark conservation work for over a decade, below is a brief summary of our accomplishments:

  • In 2010, we helped in the passing of a law that protected Lemon sharks in the state waters of Florida

  • In 2012, we helped in the passing of another Florida law that protects Tiger sharks, Smooth, Scalloped, and Great Hammerheads in state waters

  • We helped support a California law that aims to stops the sale, trade and possession of shark fins

  • We've successfully stopped shark fin soup from being a part of several restaurant menus and stores in the USA, and internationally

  • We've drafted letters showing our disagreement with international finning laws, or lack thereof

  • We were involved with CITES in 2013 where it was a historic year for shark conservation -Porbeagle, Oceanic Whitetips and several Hammerheads gained international protection

  • We've organized domestic and internationally rallies against shark culls

  • We have conducted small scale independent research to better ID sharks


“How inappropriate to call this Planet Earth, when it is clearly Ocean.”

Arthur c. clarke  |  Save the sharks



Our mission is simple; to save the sharks. We do this through many mediums, but always fall back to our core belief. We believe that people will want to help conserve something only when they truly understand the issues. This is why our ultimate goal is to educate, because without knowledge and awareness, we cannot accomplish much else.



We believe that in order to be successful at what we do, we have to be organized. Below you’ll find our three core beliefs, and any projects that we conduct fall into one of our three goals. Browse our site for more detailed info for each goal.


General Outreach and Education

One of our objectives is to bring more educational awareness to the public who otherwise wouldn’t know much about issues that sharks face today.


Independent Surveys

Our second objective is to conduct independent dive surveys that highlight the relationships between people and sharks, and how we can better them.


Removing shark products

We aim to get shark products and meat off of menus and out of stores.


Ready to help?

